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In the year 1405 Zheng He lead a fleet of the largest sailing ships the world had ever seen. The model above shows a comparison to Christopher Columbus’s largest ship the Santa Maria. These impressive ships were a clear demonstration that China was once great leaders of the world and now poised to regain that position.
Getting some context and raising awareness:
Possibly more than a century of humiliation this film reveals some of the history of China. From exploring the world 80 years before Columbus, Zheng He sailed the world’s largest and most advanced fleet of ships full of riches and goods to missing out in the technological Industrial Revolution, to humiliation forced upon them by the western powers. A powerful documentary helping us better understand the context of the Chinese people.

A short 15-minute video to put the last couple hundred years into context. A lot of history we discuss on the forum but like how it brings so much together to give a real feeling of the trouble China has gone through. If we watch many of these videos we will get a better sense of their mindset and how they must actually feel being born here. Incredible.

Chang presents an excellent TED Talk from her couple years in Shenzhen living and talking with workers in the big factories of South China. Helps us hear from the people who make the products that fill our houses and expand our appreciation of their lives of a factory worker.

An American Chinese and Author shares here insights on China and a political system that provides and alternative to the one that created the financial meltdown of 2008.

Not really related to anything on this website but part of a collection of smart Chinese helping companies grow forward, in this case a serious tech women leading AI at Google.

Excellent videos showing some of the mega cities and mega projects in China. A good watch and encourage you to check the other excellent videos from the authors on their YouTube channels.


China’s Rise:
Chairman of China, President Xi Jinping addresses the world at the World Economic Forum in Davos January 2017. Excellent speech revealing China’s perspective and outlook along with some of the steps China will take in the next decade.

An Intelligence Squared debate on “Would a Liberal Democracy be wrong for China?”
Before debate: Motion: Liberal Democracy would be wrong for China?
Voting for the motion: 228
Voting against the motion: 202
Don’t know: 196

Kishore Mahbubani is Dean and Professor in the Practice of Public Policy of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. In his speech from the Harvard Kennedy Institute Mahbubani shares a positive perspective and asks how the US will behave when China becomes #1.

In the talk at the 18 min mark he shares what he thinks China’s dream is and quotes Xi Jinping from a 2014 UNESCO speech recognizing to realize that dream China will need to revitalize their civilization and culture. (Connecting people in a digital way maybe) Carries on with some profound insight as to the demonstration of both US/China to get along as China moves toward #1 and the US #2.

Kishore Mahbubani (Dean and Professor in the Practice of Public Policy of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy) hosts a talk with the former Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd. Excellent talk as Rudd himself is fluent in Chinese and a load of experience and insights into the political situation of China.

I bring up this video as it is relevant to a dialogue series on “Partnerships in China” we discussed on Dan2 Forum Tuesday Topics [#007 – Partnerships in China – Learning Respect (Continued from #006)]. On this forum we discussed applications for having successful partnerships in China.

The relevant question from this video is about respect. At the 1:01:22 min mark Mahbubani asks Rudd a question from an audience participant; “Is there anything the rest of the world can “give” to China to make its rise more peaceful.” An excellent question as I don’t hear people asking what we can do for China or how we can contribute, and “contribution” is one of the applications I suggest in our forum dialogue.

Rudd’s answer is very challenging and my current question and challenge. Rudd responds by saying “Can I put that in a more philosophical context, what the rest of the world can give to China is something much more elemental, I think what the rest of the world can give to China is respect”. What we struggle with is applications to do that. See results on above forum link.

Professor Zhang share his perspective of the political structure of China which is truly revealing and makes a good argument for how the system is different and possibly even better than the democratic structure. Quite a compelling argument and certainly a view you won’t hear from western political commentary.

Well Noam doesn’t seem have a positive look on anything these days and possibly time to retire. Still going at almost 90 years old and of course to be highly respected as he has written over 100 books and cited as being the World Most Influential and Intellectual humans.

Right off Jacques argues that you cannot look at China through western thinking, that the culture, the ways of doing this are so different that it is wrong to evaluate or think about China with western glasses. He commented, without details that “China has gone through unparalleled transformation in the last 30 years than any other country in history.” He also claims the #1 value in China is unity and the maintenance of it and that the Han Chinese quote; “the Han have a very weak concept of cultural differences, that they believe in their own superiority and disrespectful of those that are not Han, hence the example of their attitude toward the Uyghur and Tibetans”. He also claims the people have a very different view of the state, that the state government in China enjoys a special significance as the representative, the embodiment, and the guardian of Chinese civilization. Viewed more of a family, and the state the head of the family.

A couple of excellent panel talks gaining multiple perspectives and what ideas the panelists share and where they differ. I personally found the panel talk on Architect of a New Global Order to be very positive, informing and more encouraging about China’s rise and the positive things they can achieve in the coming decades.

